3342 ₽
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Price in case online payment:
3075 ₽
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Capacity: 600 ml
Produced by: Финляндия
Articul: Нет в продаже. Указанная цена неактуальна.
Since 1881, Iittala has been dedicated to inspiring better living. What began as a glass factory in a small village in Iittala, Finland has grown into an internationally known brand that has played a decisive role in defining the Nordic way of life.Designer Klaus Haapaniemi’s Taika (meaning “magic” in Finnish) inspires imagination and storytelling, letting you choose from a variety of bold and enchanting pieces. The vibrant designs gradually reveal their details and layers to the viewer. Haapaniemi’s magic was combined with the shapes of the Aika series designed by Heikki Orvola.
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