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Если у вас есть вопросы или дополнения к заказу, вы можете самостоятельно связаться с нами:
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The full size of the toy is shown, including the hanger with the loop.
The appearance of the product may slightly differ from the photo, because each toy is handmade.
(C) ifarfor.ru [671]
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General terms of payment
When ordering delivery outside Russia, you must fully pay for the goods and delivery before sending the order.
When ordering products in Russia, you do not pay anything. Payment occurs only after inspection of the goods.*
* An exception are cases when the cost of delivery (not of goods, but only of delivery) exceeds 1000 rubles and this is your first order.
In this case, you must make an advance payment in the amount of the cost of delivery or the cost of goods.
General terms of delivery
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About factory
The Imperial Porcelain Manufactory is one of the largest and well-known Russian companies producing art porcelain ware. Moreover, the IPM is one of the oldest factories in Europe and famous global producer of high quality porcelain ware of considerable artistic value.
The history of the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory goes far back into 1741 when Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov, at the initiative of empress Elizabeth of Russia, succeeded to create the formula of “white gold” and produce the first porcelain. The factory was founded in the countryside by the side of the river Neva where Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue passes today. It is interesting that location of the factory remained in the same place as 272 years ago. The history of the factory is bound up in the history of Saint Petersburg where the IPM appeared only 38 years after establishment of the city on Neva. Being in the civil service throughout its existence, the factory is closely related to the destiny and history of Russia.
The Imperial Porcelain Manufactory is constantly developing, improving and actively participating in art exhibitions of Russia and abroad, opening new brand and partner shops, performing large governmental custom orders, implementing social and charitable programs and striving to please and surprise all admirers of porcelain with high-quality products and new interesting projects.